Terms of use

Date: August 12, 2024

This user agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) defines the procedure and conditions for the use of materials and services posted on the Internet at https://inter-korea.com/(hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) By the Users (as that term is defined below) of this Website. Users' use of the Website means that they unconditionally accept and undertake to comply with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


1.1. In this Agreement, unless otherwise expressly provided in the text of the Agreement, the following capitalized words and expressions, indicated in writing, used in the interaction of the parties during the performance of obligations, will have the following meanings:

Administrator — Inter-K Education Group company, which owns all relevant rights to the Website.
Acceptance — full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Agreement, posted on the Website at the address https://inter-korea.com/en/agreement, carried out by the User performing any actions to use the Website.
User — a person accessing the Website and using materials and services posted on the Website.
Content — any informationally significant content of the Website, including, but not limited to, photos, audio, video, text and other media materials.
Personal Information — any information relating to an individual identified or determined on the basis of such information (subject of personal data), including his last name, first name, patronymic, year, month, day and place of birth, address, family, social, property status, education, profession, and other information.
Processing of personal data — any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without the use of such means with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.
Website — a resource on the Internet, which is a collection of information and intellectual property objects contained in an information system (including a computer program, a database, graphical interface design (design), etc.), access to which is provided from various user devices connected to the Internet, using special software for viewing web pages (browser) at the network address https://inter-korea.com/ (and addresses of subsections of the Website).

1.2. All other terms and definitions found in the text of the Agreement are interpreted in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Korea.


2.1. In accordance with this Agreement, the Administrator grants any User the right to use the Website free of charge in any way and in any form within the limits of its declared functionality and on the terms set forth in this Agreement.

2.2. The use of the Website is carried out in accordance with the “as is” principle accepted in global law enforcement practice. In accordance with this principle, there are no guarantees that the Website will meet all the User’s requirements, work continuously, quickly and without errors; the results that may be obtained from the use of the Website are not intended to be accurate or reliable.

2.3 The User shall be deemed to have acceded to this Agreement by accessing the materials and services of the Website and using the Website in any manner and form within its functionality, including:
2.3.1. Viewing materials posted on the Website;
2.3.2. Using the Website services;
2.3.3. Sending any messages using online forms on the Website;
2.3.4 Other use of the Website.

2.4 By using the Website in the manner provided for in paragraph 2.3 of the Agreement, the User confirms that:
2.4.1. Familiarized with the terms of this Agreement in full before using the Website;
2.4.2 Unconditionally accepts all terms of this Agreement in full without any exceptions and limitations, and also undertakes to comply with them or to stop using the Website in case of disagreement with the terms of this Agreement.

2.5. None of the provisions of the Agreement can be interpreted as the establishment between the Administrator and the User of agency relations, relations for joint activities or any other legal relations not expressly provided for in this Agreement.

2.6. All possible disputes arising from or related to this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Korea.


3.1. In order to improve the quality of the Website, the Administrator or persons acting on his behalf have the right to collect opinions and feedback from Users on various issues by sending information messages when the User next visits the Website or communicating using the contact information specified by the User when filling out online forms. The collected opinions and reviews can be used to generate statistical data that can be used in the services provided on the Website. Feedback provided by the User during the survey may also be published (or otherwise made public) by the Administrator.

3.2. The Administrator has the right to send information messages to the User’s email address and (or) subscriber number, including, but not limited to, messages related to the operation of the Website, notifications related to the execution of contracts concluded with the User, information about password recovery, etc. e. Confirmation of the User’s consent to receive the information messages specified in this paragraph from the Administrator is acceptance of the terms of the Agreement.

3.3. The Website or its services may be partially or completely unavailable at one time or another due to maintenance or other work or for any other technical reasons. The Administrator has the right to modify any software of the Website, carry out necessary preventive or other work, and suspend the operation of the Website at one time or another at his personal discretion with or without prior notification to the User.

3.4. The Administrator is not responsible for any errors, omissions, interruptions, deletion, defects, delays in processing or transmission of data, failure of communication lines, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to User information posted on the Website or anywhere else. The administrator is not responsible for any technical failures or other problems of any telephone networks or services, computer systems, servers or providers, computer or telephone equipment, software, failures of email services or scripts for technical reasons.

3.5. During the term of this Agreement, the Administrator will make every effort to eliminate any technical failures and errors if they occur within a reasonable time. At the same time, the Administrator does not guarantee the complete absence of technical errors and failures for reasons caused by equipment malfunction, incorrect operation of the software or software environment.

3.6. The User is not granted any intellectual rights, except as expressly provided for in this Agreement, in relation to both the Website as a whole and in relation to individual software, design solutions, literary, graphic and audiovisual works included in the Website.


4.1. The User undertakes to familiarize himself with the current version of the Agreement each time he visits the Website before using the functionality of the Website and to comply with its terms.

4.2. The User undertakes to provide accurate and complete information when using the Website.

4.3. The user agrees not to take actions or leave comments and entries that may be considered as violating international law, including in the field of intellectual property, copyright and (or) related rights, generally accepted norms of morality and morality, as well as any actions that lead to or may lead to disruption of the normal operation of the Website.

4.4. Use of Website materials without the consent of the copyright holders is not permitted.

4.5. When quoting materials from the Website, including protected copyright works, a link to the Website is required.

4.6. When using the Website, the User does not have the right to violate the rights and legitimate interests of third parties, or cause harm in any form, including damage to business reputation.

4.7. The user has no right to disrupt the normal operation of either individual services of the Website or the Website as a whole.

4.8. The User is obliged to independently monitor changes to this Agreement.


5.1. The Administrator guarantees the reliability, accuracy, completeness or quality only of the information that he himself directly posted on the Website. The Administrator is not responsible for the reliability, accuracy, completeness and quality of information posted on the Website by third parties, including Users.

5.2. The Administrator is not responsible for incorrect behavior of persons using the Website.

5.3 The Administrator does not guarantee that:
5.3.1. The Website will meet the requirements of the User;
5.3.2. The results that may be obtained using the Website will be accurate and reliable;
5.3.3 The quality of any product, services, information obtained through the use of the Website will meet the User's expectations;
5.3.4. The Website will operate continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors and will meet the User's expectations;
5.3.5 All errors on the Website will be corrected.

5.4. The Administrator is not responsible and has no direct or indirect obligations to the User in connection with any possible or occurring losses or damages related to any content of the Website, copyright registration and information about such registration, goods or services available or received through external Websites or resources or other contacts of the User that he entered into using the information posted on the Website or links to external resources.

5.5. The Administrator does not undertake any obligations to verify the accuracy of the Personal Data specified by the User and is not responsible if the User provides a larger amount of data than provided by the relevant forms on the Website.

5.6. The Administrator is not liable to the User or any other third parties and does not compensate for any damage, including lost profits or lost data, damage caused to honor, dignity or business reputation, and other losses caused in connection with the use of the Website or other materials and services, contained on the Website, except as expressly provided for in the Agreement.

5.7. The Administrator assumes that all forms on the Website are filled out directly by the User. Responsibility for the legality of the provision and accuracy of the Personal Data of the User and other persons whose data is provided rests solely with the User.

5.8. The Administrator is not responsible for the loss, substitution or damage of data, as well as for other consequences resulting from the User’s failure to comply with the conditions provided for in this Agreement.


6.1. The User's access to the Website may result in access to third party Internet resources and downloading from them program code or graphic objects (including those invisible when the browser displays Internet pages) used for advertising purposes and for collecting statistics. Owners of Internet resources have the technical ability to collect information about Users and independently determine the conditions for its use.

6.2. The user has the ability to block requests for graphic images hosted on third party servers by configuring the software. Blocking can lead to loss of readability and errors when displaying resources.

6.3. When Users move from the Website to the pages of Internet resources of third parties, Users independently determine the limits of the use of information about them within the framework of the conditions and rules determined by the owners of the relevant Internet resources. The latter have the technological ability to access information stored on the browser side and are responsible for observing the rights of Users in connection with its use.


7.1 The Administrator uses the information stored on the User's browser side to determine the unique identifier of the User's access to the Website in order to:
7.1.1. Maintain the functionality of resources that require the use of information stored on the browser side;
7.1.2. Measuring the size of the Website audience;
7.1.3. Determination of statistical information preferences of Users when accessing different pages of the Website;
7.1.4. Determination of correlation of statistical data on the Website attendance with sociometric data on Users for research purposes.

7.2 By customizing the software, the User has the ability to prohibit the use of information stored on the browser side on its computer, but this may result in partial or complete loss of functionality of the Website pages.


8.1. The processing of Users’ personal data is carried out by the Administrator in accordance with the privacy policy located at https://inter-korea.com/en/privacy.

8.2. By concluding this Agreement, the User confirms that he transfers his Personal Data to the Administrator for Processing and agrees to their processing. The User is also notified that the processing of his Personal Data will be carried out by the Administrator in full compliance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Korea.


9.1. The agreement may be terminated at any time at the initiative of either party. To do this, the Administrator posts a notice of termination of the Agreement on the Website and (or) sends a corresponding notice to the User at the email address specified by the User during registration; from the moment of such posting / sending of such notice, the Agreement is considered terminated.

9.2. The User may terminate this Agreement by sending the Administrator a notice of termination by email to privacy@interk.org.

9.3. The User agrees that this Agreement can be changed by the Administrator unilaterally by posting the updated text of the Agreement on the Internet. The User confirms his agreement with changes to the terms of the Agreement by using the Website. If you disagree with the amended version of the Agreement, the User undertakes to stop using the Website.


Inter-K Education Group Company
Company registration number: 845-44-00668
Address: Office 401, 92, Jebine 10-gil, Seo-gu, Daejeon, South Korea

Telephone: +8210-2185-6552
E-mail address: info@interk.org
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